Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I am a military wife and stay at home mom to a fascinating 15 month old girl.  We just moved to a new location and we have decided it is time to make a major life change.  For the next 12 months we will be going organic and natural in as many aspects of our lives as possible.  I will blog about the cost, our health, and the impact on our daily lives. 

The main players in this experiment will be me, my husband (the Mr.), and our little spitfire (Monkey).   

I do not claim to be an expert in this field.  I am sure I will make mistakes along the way and fall off the band wagon at times.  I am going to use this as a way to document our journey to a healthier lifestyle; and to help myself understand what works for us, what doesn't, and why.

Here are the details (or at least as many as I have figured out right now, we are still unpacking so my life and mind are a bit of a jumbled mess).

*We will only buy organic produce, dairy, and meat.  For all other foods we will buy organic, or the most natural option available.  We will only buy wild caught seafood. 
*There will be very little processed convenience food.  I do buy the organic mac n cheese and organic chicken nuggets for monkey.  She is 15 months old and I have to make sure this experiment does not cause her to starve to death.
*We will make our own cleaners.  This is hopefully the money saving natural option, the food sure as heck isn't saving us any cash.
*I will document our grocery bills on the blog.  Eating organic is expensive, I am hoping this will also help me clean up my act when it comes to wasting food.
*As of right now I am not switching to cloth diapers, this might seem hypocritical, but we are getting very close on potty training and financially I cannot justify the investment.
*Monkey and myself are switching to as many natural toiletries as possible.  I will review their effectiveness and let you know what sticks.

I am sure there will be more along the way, but let's go ahead and get started!

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